Hervé Guillemet
2015-05-08 10:06:58 UTC
Two comments/questions about the API for reading from an arbitrary stream
and particularly opj_stream_set_user_data_length:
-The opj_stream_set_user_data_length name is quite misleading. It took me
quite some time to find out it's not meant to set the userdata length but
the total length of the byte stream.
- Wouldn't it be possible to get rid of this function ? There may be
situations where the length of the stream is not known in advance, and it
seems to me that the segmented JPEG codestream structure would allow to
decode without having this information.
Two comments/questions about the API for reading from an arbitrary stream
and particularly opj_stream_set_user_data_length:
-The opj_stream_set_user_data_length name is quite misleading. It took me
quite some time to find out it's not meant to set the userdata length but
the total length of the byte stream.
- Wouldn't it be possible to get rid of this function ? There may be
situations where the length of the stream is not known in advance, and it
seems to me that the segmented JPEG codestream structure would allow to
decode without having this information.
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OpenJPEG is mainly supported by :
* UCL Image and Signal Processing Group (http://sites.uclouvain.be/ispgroup)
* IntoPIX (www.intopix.com)